Relationship Counselling

Relationships are often formed by the connections we have with others. It is common for those connections to be affected by conflict, hurt, or fear. We most commonly think of romantic relationships when we talk about relationships. However, Revival Counselling Services works with any type of relationships, which includes but is not limited to:

Romantic relationship


Relationship with a family member


Relationship with a friend

It is common to have disagreements, conflict, and experience intense emotions in relationships. Sometimes relationships can become overwhelming, stressful, or tiring. We may begin to believe our relationship is coming to an end, or something has happened in our lives that has impacted our relationship.
We are here to support you with (not limited to the following):

Resolving conflict


Being heard in the relationship


Name calling


Safe space for you to communicate


Learning how to support each other


Understanding each other

Revival Counselling Services is here to help you with your relationship goals.


Bitter, J. R. (1993). Communication styles, personality priorities, and social interest: Strategies for helping couples build a life together.

Individual Psychology: Journal of Adlerian Theory, Research & Practice.

Dinkmeyer, D., & Dinkmeyer, J. (1983). Adlerian family therapy. Individual psychology, 39(2), 116.